I felt really bad about 'wasting' a whole week camping so I decided to do up a pack on the Flip the Sound strategy. I found this was a strategy that many of my students this year had to work on.
So, seeing as though I did not want to brave the shops on a weekend this close to Christmas, I made up this pack! It's too late for them since I start with a new bunch next year, but my students next year will benefit!
I thought having the sounds on display would help them with remember the sounds so I made up a display wall header and cards. These are some of the cards showing two sounds these letters can make:
I also made 2 charts/posters to have at the guided reading table. This is the second one. The other covers the vowels and y.
I also made up a flip book for students to record words that have the spelling/sound.
Here's one I put together for the instruction page:
I have the writing down the bottom so students can flick through easily to find the page they need and so it doesn't get cut off when they staple the book together.
It also includes 2 blank templates.
It covers 12 letters/letter combinations (short and long a, e, i, o, u, the sounds of y, c, g, ch, oo, ea, and ow.
If you're interested, you can grab it on TpT and Teachers Notebook on sale for the next couple of days. TpT also has a preview.
Now, the freebie. I found this song on ProTeacher.
Now, the freebie. I found this song on ProTeacher.
Please note that I DID NOT write this song. The song was posted on Proteacher at this link by sn02py. Thanks for sharing it - I'm not creative enough to come up with one!
Graphics courtesy of JW Illustrations, KPM Doodles, Goodness and Fun, Alice Smith at DigiScrapKits and Scrappin Doodles.
Fonts: CK Handprint