For the last few weeks, my kiddos have been working hard to produce long, juicy sentences with lots of details and adjectives. This is a chart that we made to summarise some of what we have been doing.

My kids really enjoyed how I modelled how to write those two sentences and were eager to get in and try it for themselves. They sure are a sucker for colour ink and laminate because when I brought out these babies
they were literally bouncing up and down, ready to get started! All I did was print out some clip art images and laminate them. It's the simple things, right!!??
We talked about focusing on a moment and adding details instead of writing 'dawn to dusk' stories that were, in my students' voices "BORING!!" (with thumbs down and a sad face!). We orally told some stories too, before I sent them back to give it a go. WOW, most turned out really good! I wish I took some photos!
They pictures were such a hit, that I think I'll leave them out for students to use as a visual writing prompt. I'll keep adding to them as the year goes on too. If you want to images, you can grab them in google docs here or by clicking the picture above.
4 days to go! Oh and by the way, 3 MONTHS OFF FOR SUMMER! I could hardly believe it when I read a comment (thanks Jennifer!) in regards to my 'curious' question in yesterday's post! Our 6 weeks (including teacher days), seems dismal in comparison!!
**Just a reminder, I am having a sale in my TpT store - get 20% off for the next few days!**
**Just a reminder, I am having a sale in my TpT store - get 20% off for the next few days!**