We've been comparing and contrasting like crazy lately. We've compared food, clothes etc of traditional Australian Aboriginals with us today in SOSE, characters/settings/plots in English, insects in science and shapes in math. We've used Venn diagrams, comparison matrices and double bubble maps.
Totally pinterest inspired!
We're finishing up our unit of procedural texts. Here are two charts we made earlier in the unit.
Because I don't have a lot of wall space, I hang a lot of charts up on string going across the room. But sometimes a gust of wind will come in the windows and blow the charts up and they hit the fan... tear! rip! So I fold sticky tape around the edges of the chart and it stops them ripping.
I'm always too busy during math to take photos, but some of kiddos have had a lot of trouble counting money, so we've worked on that the last week.
I've updated my Word Family, Blends and Digraphs pack with about 30 more cards. You can go to your Purchases page to redownload.
I also made up a Fast Finishers board freebie based on a request. The lady wanted a similar style to my CAFE board cards. You can grab it in Google Docs here.
I also uploaded a Fall writing craftivity that my class did earlier in the year. You can check it out here:
Oh, we won the Green Gnome for our garden too! :D